
Showing posts from November, 2023

Symfony - How to make Facade Service

A Facade Service is employed to obtain any service through a public static method, as opposed to injecting it via the constructor. For example (facade service): Facade::getEntityManager(); In this example, the getEntityManager method is accessed directly from the Facade, providing a simplified and centralized way to obtain the EntityManager service. For example (injecting service): class test { public function __construct(private EntityManagerInterface $em) {} } In this case, the EntityManager service is injected into the constructor of the Test class. While this is a valid approach, Facade Services offer an alternative method for obtaining services. To add creating facade possibility, first of all, need to set Service Container to Bundle boot() method. For example: class CoreBundle extends Bundle { private static $serviceContainer; public function boot() { parent::boot(); self::$serviceContainer = $this->container; } } Now, we have Se...

JavaScript - jQuery - How to get array values from multiple select

There are various ways to retrieve the selected values from a "<select>" element in jQuery.  The simplest method involves using the "val()" function, like so: $('select').val();  However, this straightforward approach has its limitations, particularly when it comes to manipulating the selected data.  If you require more control and flexibility in handling the selected options, you can leverage the power of the map function: $('select option:selected').map((index, option) => option.value).get(); In this enhanced method, the map function allows you to iterate through the selected options, providing you with greater control over the extraction process.  The addition of the ":selected" filter in the selector ensures that only the chosen options are considered, enhancing the precision of your selection process. This proves invaluable when dealing with scenarios where you need to perform specific actions or manipulations based on the sel...

MySQL - How to add JSON column type

 I use Doctrine ORM with Symfony framework.  Doctrine entities have the capability to handle JSON type columns, automatically converting data from an array to JSON and vice versa. This means they can effortlessly perform the conversion of data from an array format to JSON and vice versa, offering a convenient and dynamic approach. This proves exceptionally useful in scenarios such as storing and managing various settings within the database. Hence, to create a new column in a table with a JSON type, use the following syntax: settings LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:json)' This concise yet powerful declaration ensures that the column is set up to handle JSON data effectively. For adding a new column to an existing 'tblcontacts' table, execute the following SQL query: ALTER TABLE tblcontacts ADD COLUMN settings LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:json)'; The critical aspect here is the "COMMENT '(DC2Type:json)'". This specific c...

MySQL - How to check if exist foreign key

In MySQL, the "IF EXIST" clause doesn't function when checking a foreign key. There is only one method I know to perform this check. Information regarding constraints is stored in the general MySQL table  "information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS".  The "TABLE_NAME" column indicates the table where the constraint exists. The "CONSTRAINT_NAME" column represents the name of your constraint. The "CONSTRAINT_TYPE" column defines the type of your constraint; in our case, it is a "FOREIGN KEY". So, for example, if you want to check all foreign keys in your table: SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS  WHERE TABLE_NAME='name_of_your_table' AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE='FOREIGN KEY'; In my case it shows: CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA CONSTRAINT_NAME TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_TYPE def test FK_9CA1B3534C397118 test tblproducts FOREIGN KEY def te...

Bootstrap - How to make toggle buttons

 At least, you need to have Bootstrap 5 or higher version. The code below will insert Default toggle button. Actually, it is checkbox. < input type ="checkbox" class ="btn-check" id ="default" autocomplete ="off" > < label class ="btn btn-outline-success" for ="default" >Default</ label > And also you can change the color of button by label class. It has checkbox behavior. It means, when it is checked, the toggle button switches own state. So, you can just change checkbox status by 'checked' attribute as usual, and toggle button show this as well.

Idea PhpStorm - How to fix bugs with incorrect code Inspections and Autocomplete

Sometimes IDE starts to show something unpredictable and strange behavior.  For example, PhpStorm says that class is not exist in your project. Or you set up incorrect namespace. Cause all of these things is broken indexes and IDE cache. To fix this problem easy:  Go to Main Menu -> Invalidate Caches Choose Clear file system cache and Local History. Check VCS log caches and indexes. Invalidate and Restart . After that your IDE restarts and relaunch with new indexes. All have to work correctly.

Codeception 5.0 - Error: Call to a member function grabService() on null; Call to a member function grabEntityFromRepository() on null

 If you were on previous version of Codeception, and updated to 5.* you can catch errors like: Call to a member function grabService() on null;  Call to a member function grabEntityFromRepository() on null  To fix this, you need to update your unit.suite.yml config file: replace ' class_name : UnitTester' to ' actor : UnitTester'. So, now, you need to specify your actor class in config file. After that, codeception can see your UnitTester class.

Idea PhpStorm - Database - No databases and tables, all is empty

 Sometimes, when you add new project (site) and configure Database connection, the panel with tables is empty. Even if connection is green and all is OK.  To fix this problem, you just need to add necessary schemes in Database configuration. Go to "Data Source Properties" window. In opened window choose Schemas tab and select "All schemas" checkbox, or another one what you need. So, after saving changes, you see all tables in Database panel.

Wordpress - How to install plugins not using ftp

 Just add to wp-config.php file the next string: define ( 'FS_METHOD' , 'direct' ); And also make sure, that your wp-content folder has full access to create new folders by Wordpress system. 

How to upgrade MediaWiki to 1.40 version

Link to page for web updating - your_site_url/mw-config/index.php If your version older then 1.35 version, then firstly update to 1.35 version . Only after that update to 1.40 version. Otherwise, it can brake you data in DB. If you see 500 error after updating - check permissions for folders: cache, vendor, skins, includes . For changing permission use command: chmod -R 777 ./cache If you see another errors on the pages, try to update extensions . To fix Logo after updating: need to change $wgLogo to $wgLogos. Before:  $wgLogo = "$wgScriptPath/resources/assets/logo.png"; After:  $wgLogos = [    '1x' => "$wgScriptPath/resources/assets/logo.png",    '1.5x' => "$wgScriptPath/resources/assets/logo.png",    '2x' => "$wgScriptPath/resources/assets/logo.png",    'svg' => "$wgScriptPath/resources/assets/logo.png" ];

Wordpress - miniOrange SSO using SAML 2.0 plugin - How to fix logout for FusionAuth

Reason issue : wrong NameID format < saml :NameID xmlns: saml ="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" > Fixing : use another NameID format < saml :NameID Format ="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress" > It is placed in Utilities.php file on 59 line, the function called createLogoutRequest . There is another issue - all text is encrypted via ASCII codes. Easy to solve this problem: just copy this text and paste into echo with double quotes.  For example: echo " \74\77\x78\x6d\x6c\40\166\x65\x72\163\151\x6f\x6e\x3d\42\x31\x2e\x30\x22 \x20\x65\x6e\x63\157\x64\x69\x6e\147\x3d\42\x55\124\x46\x2d\x38\x22\x3f\76 " ; On the page it will be: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> So, after that, you can decode all text what you need to replace LogoutRequest.

How to change Issuer (Entity ID) in Zoho Desk

 If you already created Help Center and added and saved SAML configuration, you can't change Issuer (Entity ID). To change Issuer you need to click Disable button (in right up corner).  Notice: All other settings will be cleaned as well.

How to logout from Zoho Desk via SAML

 As standard SAML request logout does not work, you can use OAuth logout URL . When you try to put standard SAML logout URL, you catch an error: "The SAML v2 logout request is missing the SAMLRequest parameter." As a work case, you can use standard AOuth logout URL. For example, you can get it from Fusion Auth, in "OAuth2 & OpenID Connect Integration details" tab.

How to upload Public Key in Zoho Desk for SAML authentication

 When you try to upload standard Public Key to Zoho Desk with SAML authentication, you got an error. I resolved this issue by upload Certificate instead of Public Key. So honestly Zoho Desk is waiting for Certificate, not a Public Key, as it said on the SAML page ('Public Key (Provide Public Key in .txt or .pem extension file only)').

How to connect Fusion Auth to Zoho Desk via SAML

Create new Application in Fusion Auth. Choose SAML tab. Enable SAML as Identite Provider.  The main thing - set Issuer '' for any applications. Set 'Authorized redirect URLs' from Zoho 'Help Center SAML Response URL'. Left for Authentication request disabled 'Require signature'.