WordPress - How to create simple plugin with shortcode

Creating a simple WordPress plugin involves a few steps. Below is an example of a minimalistic WordPress plugin that adds a custom shortcode to display a greeting message.

Step 1: Set Up Plugin Structure

Create a new folder for your plugin in the "wp-content/plugins" directory. Let's call it "simple-greeting-plugin".

Step 2: Create the Main Plugin File

Inside your plugin folder (simple-greeting-plugin), create a main PHP file, e.g., "simple-greeting-plugin.php".

Step 3: Add Plugin Information

In your main PHP file, add the plugin information in the comment header.

Plugin Name: Simple Greeting Plugin
Description: A simple WordPress plugin that adds a greeting shortcode.
Version: 1.0
Author: Your Name

Step 4: Add Greeting Shortcode Functionality

Now, let's add the functionality to display a greeting message using a shortcode. Update your "simple-greeting-plugin.php" file as follows:

Plugin Name: Simple Greeting Plugin
Description: A simple WordPress plugin that adds a greeting shortcode.
Version: 1.0
Author: Your Name

// Define the shortcode function
function simple_greeting_shortcode() {
	return 'Hello, welcome to our website!';

// Register the shortcode
add_shortcode('greeting', 'simple_greeting_shortcode');

In this example, we've created a function "simple_greeting_shortcode" that returns the greeting message. The "add_shortcode" function is used to register the shortcode "[greeting]" and associate it with our function.

Step 5: Activate the Plugin

Go to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to "Plugins," and activate the "Simple Greeting Plugin."

Step 6: Use the Shortcode

Now you can use the "[greeting]" shortcode in your WordPress posts or pages to display the greeting message.

When you view the post or page containing the shortcode, it should display the greeting message.

This is a very basic example, but it illustrates the fundamental steps of creating a WordPress plugin. As you become more familiar with plugin development, you can explore additional features, options, and WordPress APIs to enhance your plugins.


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