Symfony - Doctrine - How to add subquery into where clause
If you want to add subquery into where clause, you need to create subquery firstly:
$sub = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from(CustomField::class, 'cf')
->where('cf.type = :type AND cf.fieldName = :fieldName');
After that you can use this subquery as DQL:
$this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->expr()->in('cfv.fieldId', $sub->getDQL())
In that case we use it as IN condition. But it is just example.
And finally it will look like that:
->update(CustomFieldValue::class, 'cfv')
->set('cfv.value', ':value')
->where($this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->expr()->in('cfv.fieldId', $sub->getDQL()))
->setParameter(':type', 'product')
->setParameter(':fieldName', $fieldName)
->setParameter(':value', $value)